Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Countdown Is On!!

Okay, well I guess it has been on for some time...but it is 2 weeks until our court date! While we probably won't hear of the outcome until a few days up to a week later, I can at least ask for you all to be praying for us in 2 weeks. Since they are ahead of us by 9 hours I believe that means that you will need to start praying on Tuesday Oct 6th since by the time we wake up on Oct 7th our case should have already been heard.
I really think I will have a nervous breakdown if we don't pass on Oct 7th. I just can't even imagine would mean at least another 6-8 weeks added on to our already too long wait to bring our son home. As it is, travel times are slowing down and so we will not expect to travel to pick him up for 6-8 weeks AFTER we pass court. This means traveling mid to end of Nov IF we passon the 7th. He will be 7 months by then. Crazy!!!! If not, we hope for a quickly rescheduled court date (typically at least a month out) and then IF we pass then again, another 6-8 weeks on top of that before we can travel. Confusing I know...but all this is to say PLEASE pray that we pass court on Oct 7th and that we are able to travel asap after passing to get him.
I also hate to say it, but not passing is a definite reality. I don't know the percentages but it is a realtively common occurance that is typically caused by things such as power outages, staff shortages, too many cases scheduled in one day, Cullen's birth mother not showing up, etc. There is so much that hangs in the balance it is a wonder it ever all happens at all.
Okay, enough solicitation for prayers....we are well. Just stressed and busy and wishing we were home with BOTH of our kids. Life is sweet....


  1. Praying for your family and sweet Dersabo.

  2. We will be praying for your family. We are just starting this process, but have adopted before and have attempted two additional adoptions where the countries closed. We are now hoping to adopt from Ethiopia. Good luck with your court date. You will be in our prayers.

    Charity Roach

  3. Have been thinking about you guys. Will definitely be praying for you on the 7th. We love you!!

  4. I'll be saying some extra prayers for you all that you pass court on Oct 6th! Good luck!!!
