Sunday, November 22, 2009

It is Nov 23rd in Ethiopia Already...

So I am posting now because I know tomorrow will be a super hard day for me (especially since we are likely to not get any news for multiple days on the outcome of our case).

It is Nov 23rd in Ethiopia already. Actually it is exactly 5:45 am right now. The courts will be opening in a few short hours I would imagine. Cullen's mother should be in Addis already (hopefully she is in Addis) to attend the hearing. I am praying for the judges, for his mother (well I have been praying for her for a long time and I continue to), for our agency representatives, for our son, for our emotional well being.

It is time. We have waited. I have been broken. We have been lifted up. I have been angry. We have had hope. I have doubt. We have been diligent. We have ached and cried.

But still, we have love. It is time for our son to be home.

Please pray with us.