Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cute Stories and Tessa

So I have to share two of the sweetest stories...

My favorite was while we were on vacation at the MD shore two weeks ago. We have obviously told Tessa about her new baby brother and she see's his cute little picture every day. While she will tell you his name, I am not sure quite how much she really comprehends what it all actually means.

But...on our last day at the beach there was an African family camped out next to our group on the sand. It looked to be a grandmother, father and mother, maybe an aunt and a little baby boy that I would later find out was 9 months old. He was cute, and bald and of course, black.

In any case, Tessa of course wanted to go over and see the baby. As a two year old, she loves all babies and kids. On the way over when we asked her "Do you see the little baby?" She thoughtfully said...

"Thats my brother!"

She may not understand what adoption is, where babies come from or how different her life will be in (hopefully) a few short months, but she knows her brother is black. Interesting...and cute!

And my morning....

We are leaving for Portland, OR for my cousins wedding today. And Tessa knows we are going in an airplane to get there. She also knows that we are, one day, going in an airplane to pick up her baby brother. When we were cuddling in bed this morning, I reminded her that we would be going in an airplane today and her immediate response was...

"To pick up my brother?"

Looks like even his little sister can't wait to bring him home. The funny part is that she always asks if she can go with us to pick him up as we have and continue to explain that just mommy and daddy are going to fly to Ethiopia to bring him home. Appparently she is not giving up that easily!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet. :) We have a lot of similar, adorable experiences with our two year old about his baby brother! Two year olds are just two much fun!
